Thursday, April 15, 2010

April: Poetry Month

In honor of Poetry Month, the good folks at Writer's Digest have dared you to write a poem a day throughout the entire month of April. Robert Lee Brewer's blog, Poetic Asides, is the host of the festivities and he's not only issuing the writing prompts, he's also writing. I imagine that this is to show us that it can be done, which is good because I managed a contribution for the first day and haven't attempted it since.

The task for Day 1 was to "write a lonely poem." My attempt:

Trains missed leave behind
solitary passengers
looking to the future
on empty platforms

It was fun to switch my brain to the compact construction of poetry. Pick out a prompt from the 15 already posted and give it a try. Then post your efforts in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Poem in Your Pocket Day is April carry a poem around all day and randomly read it to people :)
